The Pain That Dogs my Heels

harrietbeecherstowe1Forgiveness isn’t for the perpetrator of our hurt, it’s for our own peace and happiness. Not letting go of hurt, pain, resentment, or anger harms us far more than it harms your sister, boyfriend, mother, boss, wife, friend. It frees us to live in the present without anger, contempt or seeking revenge. In fact, it doesn’t only free us from negative feelings and actions, it reduces depression and stress, allowing us to embrace peace, hope and self confidence. Forgiveness is a balm of healing for hurt, grievance and guilt; it is not acceptance of wrongs done to you or wrongs you have done to others. And it isn’t quick and easy—it’s a practice.

In the coming posts, writers will express what forgiveness means to them.


Forgiveness  by Ana Manwaring

Time, that yoke, that feckless lover,
a raptor flying ever forward
into the mythical land of yet to be;
might time bring forgiveness?
Perhaps with time comes peace.
Maybe peace is here now
            and now
                        and now
                                    and—walking our paths with us.
Maybe now I can forgive.
Maybe this is the lesson in letting go
I learn anew each moment.
This, the pain that dogs my heels,
a village cur, a half-wolf, half-dog,
lapping up scraps from my middens.
            He nips at my ankles,
            my outstretched fingers.
            He growls and jealously guards his prize.
How his tiny sharp teeth gleam
in the dull morning light.
I lay open my heart;
my blessings release
to whirl the clouds.
The pack howls in the distance.


Stay tuned! And thanks to for these excellent memes.



Filed under Inspiration, Poetry

5 responses to “The Pain That Dogs my Heels

  1. Lovely and challenging. Sometimes I think I understand forgiveness, and other times it baffles and eludes me . . . the village cur refuses to obey.


  2. A poem both beautiful and true. Thank you, Ana.


  3. Luv the poem, Ana!

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